Portal 2 Outro Sentry Turret Orchestra Ending - The Fat Lady Sings
Cool Music The lyrics translated are: Italian Cara bel, cara mia bella! Mia bambina, oh ciel (Chell)!* Che ella stima! Che ella stima! Oh cara mia, addio! La mia bambina cara... perché non passi lontana? Sì, lontana da Scïenza, Cara, cara mia bambina... Ah, mia bella! Ah, mia cara! Ah, mia cara! Ah, mia bambina! Oh cara, cara mia... English My beautiful dear, my darling beauty! My baby, oh Chell!* That she holds her in such esteem! That she holds her in such esteem! Oh my beloved, fare thee well! My dear child... Why don't you stay far away? Yes, away from Science! My dear, dear baby... Ah, my beauty! Ah, my dear! Ah, my dear! Ah, my li'l girl! Oh my dearest one! Note that "ciel" ("sky" or "heaven" in lyrical italian) is a pun on Chell's name, as it sounds roughly the same. Trivia An "animal king takeover" is first mentioned in one of the Aperture Science demonstrational videos seen during the elevator rides in Chapter 1: The Courtesy Call.[4] On the far back third tier, between the "fat" and animal king turrets, right of center and in front of one of the lit, concrete walls, the shadowed figure of a Frankenturret can be seen hobbling along. Earlier in the game, there is an easter egg where four sentry turrets can be seen playing a tune different from that of the "Cara Mia". They are believed to be the same four which begin the opera and are probably practicing for the event. The "fat" turret is also present in a crate across from them, but does not sing.[5] On the ...