First of all, and once again, sorry for the delay of the castle-themes. Now I got my computer and WMM to work again so I'll do it first thing. This I did first, because it was requested by many and because I just LOVE the themes. So enjoy. PS. I haven't played this myself yet, my every opinion is based on the videos I've seen, and the pictures. The probably the one I'm going to try to beat them. Concrete will be first since I heard of him first.^^ 1. Boss Friggin' awesome. Dark, yet fast enough for a Robot Master-duel. Just love it. 2. Concreteman The theme is really good. I was really suprised when I heard this, I really expected somethin...well, crappy. 3. Plugman The guy looks like somewhat disappointing from what I expected, but I can't say for sure 'till I actually get to fight him. The music is OK. 4. Galaxyman The music is REALLY nice! This is how it's done. Envy him, Astroman! 5. Jewelman The guy is pretty OK looking. The music, however, is a bit out of place. I expected something Crystal Snail-like. 6. Hornetman Now we're talking! This is awesome! "The Hornet" looks really different from what I pictured and is a bit disappointing, but hey, looks doesn't mean anything. 7. Tornadoman ...IT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE PURPLE! Well...can't complain. He actually looks really cool and the theme is just right. 8. Magmaman Looks like combined Needleman and Heatman. Really cool-looking actually. And the theme...I think it's my personal favorite. 9. Splash Woman However ...